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Rainman Pressure Gauge Replacement – Modular / Frame

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Rainman Technology Pty Ltd
49 Orchard Road
Brookvale, NSW 2100


In rare circumstances, pressure gauges may require replacing. For a modular or framed Rainman watermaker, this means the control panel will need disassembly to access the gauge.

If you are changing the pressure gauge on a Rainman portable system, please see this manual.

rainman watermaker control panel

Remove Valve / Gauge Assembly From Control Panel

  1. The control panel will need removal in order to access the valve / gauge assembly. Using a phillips head screwdriver, remove eight screws from the edge of the panel. The panel can now be removed from the mount.
  1. Remove four screws from the cover that secures the valve / gauge assembly into the control panel.
watermaker control panel screws
  1. Lift the valve / gauge assembly from the main panel.
valve gauge insert
  1. Remove three screws from the side of the valve / gauge assembly clasp.
rainman control panel valve gauge screws
  1. Remove the valve / gauge assembly from the clasp for access to change the pressure gauge.
watermaker control panel valve gauge assembly

Replace Pressure Gauge

  1. Using spanners on the tee fitting and pressure gauge, remove the gauge by unscrewing it from tee fitting.
Rainman pressure gauge change
  1. Wrap threads of new pressure gauge four or five times with thread seal tape. Screw gauge in to tee tightening by hand.
Rainman pressure gauge thread taping
  1. Tighten pressure gauge using spanners on tee fitting. Ensure the orientation of pressure gauge is correct for reinstalling into the control panel.

Reassemble Control Panel

  1. Reassemble the control panel by reversing steps 1 through 5 above.