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Rainman Pressure Gauge Replacement – Portable

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Rainman Technology Pty Ltd
49 Orchard Road
Brookvale, NSW 2100


In rare circumstances, pressure gauges require replacing. For a portable Rainman, this means the internal spine between the pressure vessels requires removal and disassembly for access to the gauge. Different configurations for portable Rainman RO units exist, so slight modification to this procedure may be required.

If you are changing the pressure gauge on a Rainman modular or framed system, please see this manual.

Remove RO Spine Assembly

  1. The RO case has four large black cable ties holding the system together. The outer two cable ties hold the white pressure vessels snug to the shell. Cut these outer two cable ties. Some models might have slightly different configuration.
rainman reverse osmosis case
  1. Grasping the other two cable ties, pull the RO pressure vessels out of case.
ro case conversion
  1. Two retaining plates hold the pressure vessel end cap into place. Loosen the two bolts with 5mm Allen key.
pressure vessel end cap removal
  1. Remove the two retaining plates. Retaining plates from older systems look slightly different.
end cap retainer ears
  1. Cut the other two cable ties holding the white pressure vessels together.
  2. Pull the stainless steel tube so the entire spine subassembly slides up the pressure vessels. The end cap will come out of the pressure vessel.
pressure vessel end cap removal

Disassemble Spine Assembly

  1. Remove the spine assembly in preparation for disassembly.
rainman reverse osmosis spine subassembly
  1. Remove all screws on the side of the spine.
Rainman RO Spine Disassembly
Rainman Portable Spine Disassembly
  1. Remove the top cover of the spine to expose the valve / gauge assembly. It can now be dislodged from the spine base.
Rainman Portable RO Spine

Replace Pressure Gauge

  1. Using spanners on the tee fitting and pressure gauge, remove gauge by unscrewing it.
Pressure Gauge Removal Portable
  1. Wrap threads of new pressure gauge four or five times with thread seal tape. Screw gauge in to tee tightening by hand.
Rainman pressure gauge thread taping
Reinstalling Rainman pressure gauge
  1. Tighten pressure gauge using spanners on tee fitting. Ensure the orientation of pressure gauge is correct as you prefer.
Pressure Gauge Removal Portable

Reassemble RO Unit

  1. Reinstall the new spine assembly in the same manner as it came out. Ensure O-rings are greased with food grade grease before pushing the new end cap into RO housing
rainman reverse osmosis spine subassembly
  1. Reinstall large cable ties that hold the white pressure vessels snugly around the spine subassembly. Tighten cable ties by grasping the end with pliers or wire cutter and twisting.
assembly reverse osmosis pressure vessels
tightening rainman ro case zipties
  1. Install the pressure vessels back into blue case and secure it with two large cable ties. Tighten cable ties same way as done in the previous step.
rainman ro case assembly
final assembly reverse osmosis case
  1. Cut the white product water hose so the flow meter can easily fit within the blue spine for storage and be set into the hole during use. Approximately 60cm from the end of the start of the hose to the bottom of the flow meter should give enough slack to easily stow it and use it.
rainman product water flow meter
rainman product water flow meter